Toxicity Testing Services
Our single focus is to help NPDES permittees maintain compliance by providing dependable and convenient whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing and evaluation services.
Credentials and Accreditation
Marinco Bioassay Laboratory, Inc. (MBL) is NELAP accredited, #E84191, by the Florida Department of Health. Our aquaculture facility is certified by the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Aquaculture Certificate #AQ0668007.
Seawater Ion Imbalance Studies
These studies determine if major seawater ion imbalance is the cause of observed wastewater toxicity - reduced growth, reduced sexual maturity, or mortality.
Current openings and resume submission information.
In-House Aquaculture
Our unique position in the industry, experience, and lab-tailored services allow us to provide an exceptional level of convenience and value for WET testing laboratories that need a routine or emergency supplier of superior-quality aquatic indicators for WET testing.